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how to Setup Electroneum(ETN) Mining pool step by step

Setup Electroneum(ETN) Mining pool

**Update on 12/27/2017 with new version of NODE js and RPC command an other things
This a step by step guide on how to setup your own crypto-currency mining pool. This guide is going over how to setup an Electroneum(etn) mining pool . This is meant to setup a mining pool for a SINGLE CRYPTO CURRENCY. This is not a guide for a Multipool!!!!
If you want to see what it looks like before you set it all up, head to the Electroneum(etn) mining pool .
For this guide purpose I will be using Electroneum(etn) Crypto Currency .
At this point you should have your VPS started, putty up and running and your logged in as root.
Update Ubuntu
apt-get update 
apt-get dist-upgrade
Setup SWAP
I am setting up a 4GB swap, which may be overkill but it’s the most common swap sized used in most guides so ill keep it at that.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/myswap.swap bs=1M count=4000
mkswap /mnt/myswap.swap
swapon /mnt/myswap.swap
Now let’s add it into fstab so it’ll activate at boot.
nano /etc/fstab
Add the following line at the end of the file.
/mnt/myswap.swap none swap sw 0 0
Ctrl+O to save, and Ctrl+X to exit the nano editor.
Now your swap is setup, you can modify the size in the future if you need more or less.
Install Required Packages
apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf pkg-config libssl-dev
apt-get install libboost-all-dev git npm nodejs nodejs-legacy libminiupnpc-dev redis-server
add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
apt-get update
apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev
curl -sL -o
source ~/.profile
nvm install 0.10.48
nvm use 0.10.48 
nvm alias default 0.10.48
nvm use default

Electroneum Daemon Setup (Wallet)

Now let’s setup the coin daemon, I will be using electroneum.
Now boot up putty .

Build electroneum binaries from source

1) Download the latest github .zip file and unzip it in a working directory
2) Open a terminal in the unzipped directory
3) Type in:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake pkg-config libboost-all-dev libunbound-dev libminiupnpc-dev libunwind8-dev libldns-dev libexpat1-dev libgtest-dev doxygen graphviz
4) Run cmake:
cmake .
Watch closely if all the dependencies are met or if it informs you about missing dependencies – this is crucial. The error message about readline can be safely ignored.
5) Run make:
After issuing “ls” you will see many files are in the directory. you need to start demon now so that it will start sync to blockchain network
You can see demon is starting and you can see that it started syncing with network . Depend on your vps network speed it will take some time to fully sync .
** On the other hand we can do this sync process faster by using this command so what ever you like you can do it
Now we need to verify and link to Electroneum network to current state
You can see all list of detail and showing that it connect to network success message ..
you need to use exit command so that it will save the sync done otherwise you have to again do the sync process
Finally start the electroneum daemon,Run it in screen
screen -S demon

Generate Wallet for pool

Once the sync process complete you need to generate pool wallet so that the block found will be credited and payment will be done to miner
It will ask  for wallet name put wallet name without any space or special characters and then it ask for wallet password , keep this detail in text file so that it will be use later .
It will then generate the wallet address prive key and recover code save all this .


You need to run the rpc command so that it will do the payment process autometically .
screen -S rpc
./electroneum-wallet-rpc --wallet-file walletfilename --password walletfilepassword --rpc-bind-port 26969 --disable-rpc-login

Mining Pool Setup

We will use node-cryptonote-pool to setup the pool and front end site.
  1. Downloading and Installing
Clone the repository and run npm update for all the dependencies to be installed:
git clone pool
cd pool
npm update
Once the above process done we need to copy the config_example.json to active configuration to so your pool start working
cp config_example.json config.json
This will copy all default config file data to active config file “ config.json ”
2. Configuration
Warning for Cyrptonote coins other than electroneumd: this software may or may not work with any given cryptonote coin. Be wary of altcoins that change the number of minimum coin units because you will have to reconfigure several config values to account for those changes. Unless you’re offering a bounty reward – do not open an issue asking for help getting a coin other than electroneumd working with this software.
Now start up the wincp and put your root login detail to start up once done head over to
/root/pool folder and right click on config.json and edit now you can see all config detail as per below mention and you can edit as per your need .
Explanation for each field:
    "coin": "electroneum",
    "symbol": "ETN",
    "logging": {
        "files": {
            "level": "info",
            "directory": "logs",
            "flushInterval": 5

        "console": {
            "level": "info",
            "colors": true
    "poolServer": {
        "enabled": true,
        "clusterForks": "auto",
        "poolAddress": "WALLETADDRESSHERE",
        "blockRefreshInterval": 1000,
        "minerTimeout": 900,
        "ports": [
                "port": 3333,
                "difficulty": 100,
                "desc": "Low end hardware"
                "port": 5555,
                "difficulty": 2000,
                "desc": "Mid range hardware"
                "port": 7777,
                "difficulty": 10000,
                "desc": "High end hardware"
        "varDiff": {
            "minDiff": 2,
            "maxDiff": 100000,
            "targetTime": 100,
            "retargetTime": 30,
            "variancePercent": 30,
            "maxJump": 100
        "shareTrust": {
            "enabled": true,
            "min": 10,
            "stepDown": 3,
            "threshold": 10,
            "penalty": 30
        "banning": {
            "enabled": true,
            "time": 600,
            "invalidPercent": 25,
            "checkThreshold": 30
        "slushMining": {
            "enabled": false,
            "weight": 300,
            "lastBlockCheckRate": 1
    "payments": {
        "enabled": true,
        "interval": 600,
        "maxAddresses": 10,
        "mixin": 0,
        "transferFee": 1,
        "minPayment": 10000,
        "denomination": 100
    "blockUnlocker": {
        "enabled": true,
        "interval": 30,
        "depth": 20,
        "poolFee": 1.8,
        "devDonation": 0.1,
        "coreDevDonation": 0.1
    "api": {
        "enabled": true,
        "hashrateWindow": 600,
        "updateInterval": 3,
        "port": 8117,
        "blocks": 30,
        "payments": 30,
        "password": "test"
    "daemon": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 26968
    "wallet": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 26969
    "redis": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 6379,
        "auth": null
3. [Optional] Configure cryptonote-easy-miner for your pool
Your miners that are Windows users can use cryptonote-easy-miner which will automatically generate their wallet address and stratup multiple threads of simpleminer. You can download it and edit the config.ini file to point to your own pool. Inside the easyminer folder, edit config.init to point to your pool details
Rezip and upload to your server or a file host. Then change the easyminerDownload link in your config.json file to point to your zip file.
4. Start the pool
node init.js
This will show all running and start accepting share for your pool
we need to now install forever so that this pool will remain running even on close of ssh
npm install forever -g
once installation done final start the pool
forever start init.js
Example screenshot of running the pool in single module mode with tmux.
5. Host the front end
Simply host the contents of the website_example directory on file server capable of serving simple static files.
Edit the variables in the website_example/config.js file to use your pool’s specific configuration. Variable explanations:
/* Must point to the API setup in your config.json file. */
var api = "http://poolhost:8117";

/* Minimum units in a single coin, for Electroneum its 100. */
var coinUnits = 100;

/* Pool server host to instruct your miners to point to.  */
var poolHost = "";

/* IRC Server and room used for embedded KiwiIRC chat. */
var irc = "";

/* Contact email address. */
var email = "";

/* Market stat display params from - Not used for Electroneum pool */
var cryptonatorWidget = ["XMR-BTC", "XMR-USD", "XMR-EUR", "XMR-GBP"];

/* Download link to cryptonote-easy-miner for Windows users. */
var easyminerDownload = "";

/* Used for front-end block links. */
var blockchainExplorer = "";

/* Used by front-end transaction links. */
var transactionExplorer = "";
6. Customize your website
The following files are included so that you can customize your pool website without having to make significant changes to index.html or other front-end files thus reducing the difficulty of merging updates with your own changes:
  1. custom.css for creating your own pool style
  2. custom.js for changing the functionality of your pool website
Then simply serve the files via nginx, Apache, Google Drive, or anything that can host static content.
Congratulations You have now your own electroneum Mining Pool Ready to Start

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